Translator from English

Hi everyone who is looking for a good translator from English to Russian and Ukrainian and vice versa. I want to offer you my service in translation and promise to meet all your requirements and make you or your client to be delighted with my work. You have found the right person, yes, exactly that one, because I do like my job and make all my clients to revert back and order translation again.

My terms and rates:

0.2-0.3$ per word;

500-700 words per day (tough schedule)

I work without CATs!!!

Areas of translation:

  • Personal documents
  • HR
  • Agriculture
  • Medicine
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • General topics

If you are interested in cooperation, please, contact me through


Skype: Tanya Zinkivska

Looking forward to work with YOU!!!

Respectfully, Tatiana (Ukraine)

Всім привіт,
мене звати Tanya Tuchyk і я професійний перекладач з англійської мови. Вивчаю англійську мову щодня. Маю освіту в даному напрямку та час від часу займася репетиторством. Ще активно займаюсь копірайтингом на англійській мові в різних тематиках.

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